The Influence of Students’ Reading Strategies on Comprehending Reading Texts


  • Qurinta Shinta Universitas Semarang



Reading Comprehension, Reading Strategies


Reading is an essential component of language training at all levels since it promotes a variety of learning methods in addition to being a source of knowledge and fascinating experiences. Strategies in Reading refer to   methods used to improve students’ reading ability to get  the meaning of the text. This study was intended to investigate the reading strategies used by Semarang University Students taking English course in the second semester. This study focused on   identifying the influence of reading strategies on comprehending the overall reading texts. Sixty-four undergraduate students acted as the respondents for this study by distributing questionnaires. The data then were tested by using a regression test. The results show that the sig value was 0.000 < 0.05 with the conclusion that the ability to manage reading strategies influenced overall reading comprehension abilities.  has a positive influence of 30% on overall reading comprehension ability. The regression equation obtained is what can be interpreted as every time the reading strategy management ability increases by 1 unit, the overall reading comprehension ability increases by 0.679 units. This means that the use of reading strategies influences overall reading comprehension. While the most used strategy was I stop from time to time and think about what I’m reading (problem solving, the least used was I skim the text first.


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How to Cite

Shinta, Q. (2024). The Influence of Students’ Reading Strategies on Comprehending Reading Texts. ARMADA : Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin, 2(7), 478–483.