Focus and Scope

This Scientific Periodical Issue is a scientific publication in the field of community service and empowerment with a range of fields: 
1. Human development and nation competitiveness, 
2. Poverty reduction based on local resources, 
3. Management of rural and coastal areas with local wisdom. 
3. Economic Development, 
4. Entrepreneurship, 
5. Cooperatives, 
6. Creative Industries, 
7. Education, 
8. Animal Husbandry, 
9. Fisheries, 
10. Marine, 
11. Public Health, 
12. UMKM, 
13. Development of environmentally sound technologies. 
14. Health, 
15. Nutrition, 
16. Tropical diseases,
17. Herbal Medicines, 
18. Art, 
19. Literature,
20. Culture,
21. Computer Technology.

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