Domestic Violence Against Wives Against Husbands: Challenges and Implementation of Law


  • Filiasari Kusuma Universitas Jayabaya
  • Santrawan T Paparang Universitas Jayabaya
  • Kristiawanto Universitas Jayabaya



Domestic Violence, Husband, Legal Implementation, Victim Protection, Wife


This study aims to analyze the phenomenon of domestic violence perpetrated by wives against husbands, as well as the challenges and legal implementations faced in handling such cases. Although domestic violence is generally perceived as a crime committed by husbands against wives, instances of violence by wives against husbands are increasingly emerging and require serious attention. This study employs a qualitative method with a normative juridical approach, examining relevant legislation on domestic violence and its implementation, and analyzing existing case data.

The results indicate that various factors contribute to the occurrence of by wives against husbands, including social, economic, and psychological pressures. Additionally, there are several challenges in the legal implementation related to these cases, such as gender stereotypes, lack of understanding among the public and law enforcement officers regarding this phenomenon, and limited legal and psychological support for male victims. The study also finds that legal protection for husbands as domestic violence victims is still minimal, and they often hesitate to report the violence they experience due to social stigma.

This research recommends increasing awareness and education about domestic violence against men, providing special training for law enforcement officers to handle these cases sensitively and fairly, and strengthening regulations and policies to offer equal protection for all domestic violence victims, regardless of gender. Thus, it is hoped that the legal implementation related to domestic violence by wives against husbands can be more effective, and the rights of the victims can be better guaranteed.


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How to Cite

Kusuma, F., Paparang, S. T., & Kristiawanto, K. (2024). Domestic Violence Against Wives Against Husbands: Challenges and Implementation of Law. ARMADA : Jurnal Penelitian Multidisiplin, 2(7), 468–477.