Tata Kelola Sertifikasi Halal UMKM
Governance, Halal Certification, MSMEsAbstract
Efforts to attract women to enter the industrial world have been made by various parties. Kadin Indonesia collaborates with various parties for the training and empowerment of women. Sujatmiko, Deputy for Coordination of Women's and Children's Protection at the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, stated that the government has been making efforts to protect women and children. "Women and children have something strategic for the future," the government is also working to issue regulations that are pro-women, including protection. In addition, the government also promotes programs related to women's empowerment. innovative programs (Suarmini, Zahrok, dan Yoga Agustin 2018). Halal certification provides assurance to consumers that the products produced by MSMEs are halal and safe for consumption. This is important, as Law Number 20 of 2008 on Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) clearly defines these three types of businesses. Micro Enterprises are productive businesses owned by individuals or sole proprietorships that meet the criteria for Micro Enterprises. Meanwhile, Small Enterprises are independent productive economic businesses that are not affiliated with medium or large enterprises, either directly or indirectly. Medium Enterprises, on the other hand, are also independent productive economic businesses that are not affiliated with Small or large Enterprises, either directly or indirectly, with net wealth or annual sales that meet the criteria for Medium Enterprises. (Haryani:2022). This law provides a clear framework for classifying MSMEs based on size and ownership status, thereby facilitating the determination of appropriate regulations and support for each type of business. (Yolanda 2024).
Objectives of Halal Certification Governance for MSMEs
1. Strengthening consumer trust, halal certification provides assurance that the products produced meet halal standards, thereby increasing consumer trust.
- Enhancing competitiveness, MSMEs with halal certification can compete better in the market, especially in markets sensitive to halal issues.
3. Supporting the economy, with the certification of SMEs, they can more easily access the market and support product marketing. The presence of halal certification encourages the economic growth of SMEs and opens up broader market opportunities, both domestically and internationally. Halal-certified products have a significant competitive advantage, especially in countries with a majority Muslim population.
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