
  • Vania Renata Ethelda Universitas Pamulang
  • Daud Yusuf Universitas Pamulang
  • Sarah Sausan Hanun Universitas Pamulang
  • Sewaka Universitas Pamulang




Viral Marketing, Social Media, Digital Marketing, Literature Review


Viral marketing is a phenomenon that emerged with the development of social media marketing; this study aims to provide information regarding the impact of viral marketing on the business world and enrich the literature related to the impact of viral marketing. A total of 20 journal articles relevant to viral marketing were selected and analyzed. The results of the review show that viral marketing has a positive impact on purchasing decisions for a product or service. It is important to provide entertaining, informative and credible messages in viral marketing content. This will result in high exposure. Research recommends driving viral marketing with a variety of digital marketing, such as websites, social media Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and blogs. Viral marketing is also capable of creating explosive growth in a short time, and is able to reach a very wide audience. During the Covid-19 pandemic, viral marketing was able to have an impact on online impulsiveness and trust.


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How to Cite

Ethelda, V. R., Yusuf, D., Hanun, S. S., & Sewaka, S. (2022). TINJAUAN LITERATUR VIRAL MARKETING. JURNAL ECONOMINA, 1(4), 938–944. https://doi.org/10.55681/economina.v1i4.201