Determination of the Cost of Making a Sale and Purchase Deed at The Office of Notary Neny Ari Kusuma, SH., MK.N Kota Malang According to The Law Article 36 Paragraph (3)


  • Rachma Yanvi Nuraini Universitas Widyagama
  • Dwi Anggarani Universitas Widyagama
  • Endah Puspitosarie Universitas Widyagama



Deed of Sale and Purchase, Determination of Costs, Land Deed, Land Deed Office/Notary


The purpose of this study is to find out how the costs required to make a sale and purchase deed according to article 36 paragraph 3 of the Law occur at the Office of Notary Neny Ari Kusuma, SH., MKn. When data is collected, methods such as observation, interviews, documentation, and literature studies are used. The data analysis used is qualitative descriptive with primary and secondary data sources. This study aims to evaluate how the cost of the sale and purchase deed at the Notary Office and PPAT Neny Ari Kusuma, SH., MKn is in accordance with the law article 36 paragraph 3. The results show that the fees set at the notary and PPAT office of Neny Ari Kusuma, SH., MKn are in accordance with the law article 36 paragraph 3 because the fees purely come from the agreement of the PEMDA INI Malang City without additional fees.


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How to Cite

Nuraini, R. Y., Anggarani, D., & Puspitosarie, E. (2024). Determination of the Cost of Making a Sale and Purchase Deed at The Office of Notary Neny Ari Kusuma, SH., MK.N Kota Malang According to The Law Article 36 Paragraph (3). JURNAL ECONOMINA, 3(9), 927–937.